Hope Beyond Borders: College & Career for Refugees

Raised toward our $3,700 Goal
14 Donors
days left
Project ends on April 25, at 11:59 PM EDT
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Hope Beyond Borders: College & Career for Refugees

We are social work students at Northern Kentucky University!

We are raising money for the College & Career Readiness Program with RefugeeConnect, a non-profit agency serving Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Our fundraising goal is $3,700!

Your donations will help refugee youth in their years beyond high school. The College & Career Readiness Program supports refugees in securing employment, paid internships, access to college, joining a trade, or enlisting in the military. One-on-one coaching is provided to refugee high school students to help them fill out their college applications, apply for scholarships and financial aid, tour potential colleges, and locate community resources.

The program is SO important because many refugee parents are unsure of how to help their children navigate the process of applying for college, financial aid, etc., leaving youth in the dark about next steps. Having someone knowledgeable to guide the students is invaluable. Refugees had to work extremely hard to flee their homeland due to persecution, wars, and other dangers. Now they are here in America and ready for a better life. 

We can be part of support for refugee people’s Hope Beyond Borders through RefugeeConnect’s College & Career Readiness Program, giving students one-on-one coaching on career pathways, assistance with college and scholarship applications, and resume building. So far, 100% of students enrolled in the program graduated from high school! Your donation keeps this program alive and students successful. 

Your generosity today is an investment in their tomorrow and Hope Beyond Borders. 


Choose a giving level


Fueling Futures

Provides an educational or career-related workshop to 10 high school seniors.


Empowering Education

Supply educational materials and resources for one-on-one coaching sessions on FAFSA, college applications, or resume building.


Pathway Partner

Help a student navigate their journey to college or career with individualized coaching sessions and follow-ups throughout the school year.


Family Connector

Support family stability by including caregivers in educational workshops, ensuring they can support their children's post-secondary goals.


Resilient Futures Champion

Provide transportation support for 20 students and their parents to attend a college tour.

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