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Student Wellness Ambassadors

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
25 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 09, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

We need Student Wellness Ambassadors!

In August of 2023, Student Affairs launched the Department of Student Wellness! Since that time, we have served over 1,200 unique students and hosted over 3,000 Norse at Wellness events. With a full-time staff of one, we could not have reached this many students without the help and leadership of the Student Wellness Ambassadors. From a generous grant from Interact for Health, the new department was able to hire 10 Wellness Ambassadors. Their role is to educate the campus on the 10 dimensions of Wellness: Cultural, Digital, Emotional, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social, and Spiritual. Ambassadors visit classes and student organizations to educate students on holistic well-being. Ambassadors also participate in and plan campus programming, tabling and community wellness events. Ambassadors planned and implemented the first-ever, Student Wellness Fair in Spring 2024! Peer education is priceless. With your help and support, our Student Wellness Ambassadors can continue to serve the well-being needs of our campus.


“I enjoy being a wellness ambassador as it has helped me connect with the NKU community and spread awareness and support for students and faculty alike.” – Tucker Gesing, sophomore from Lakewood, New York and member of Theta Chi Fraternity.

“Being a Wellness ambassador has expanded my view on health in ways I could not have imagined before! Being able to influence the student body to value all aspects of their health has been such an awarding experience. I look forward to continuing to make this positive impact on NKU, and I’m thankful for the opportunity!”Olivia Kennedy, sophomore from Jackson, OH and member of the Women’s Cross- Country Team


" I learned the method of budgeting rather than just not spending money"

"I enjoyed the real-world applications of the speaker"

"Talking with friends"

"I liked the topic being discussed as it is something that matters to me"

"It was nice to see everyone there and involved" 

"I enjoyed being in an environment that wasn't stressful and it was very calming"

"Having the opportunity to take a break from classes and studying to have a fun time being artistic"

"Hearing the counseling information and the meditation"

" I enjoyed everyone coming together and interacting with each other about health"

With your help, we can continue to have wellness programming and ambassadors to educate their peers!

Choose a giving level


Norse Educate Norse!

A donation of $25 will help us educate an entire UNV 101 class on the 10 Dimensions of Wellness.


Building that Norse Community!

A donation of $50 will cover the costs of a social well-being program to help students combat loneliness and find their community.


Norse Help Norse!

A donation of $100 will provide lunch for ongoing trainings on topics like mental health for Wellness Ambassador peer education.


Victor likes good nutritution!

A donation of $300.covers the costs of food for students to learn how to prepare a healthy meal at the Norse Commons Teaching Kitchen.


Hey-U, join us!

A $500 donation can provide 50 students with an on-campus experiential learning wellness experience.

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