This project has closed. If you would like to support the Age-Friendly University Scholarship, please visit, select "Other" in the drop-down, and write "AFU Scholarship." Thank you!
Thank you for supporting the Age-Friendly University Scholarship last year! Because of your generosity, we will be awarding our first scholarship this academic year!
To ensure we can continue awarding the AFU Scholarship, we have launched a new campaign with a goal of $1,000. Please help us reach our goal by donating to our new project!
Again, thank you so much for supporting adult learners at NKU.
If you have already donated to our new project, thank you!
At this level, you could help offset transportation costs, such as parking or fuel.
At this level, you could help cover fees for graduation or joining an honor society.
At this level, you could help offset the cost of textbooks and course materials (average cost per year: $1,200).
At this level, you could help offset the cost of tuition for a single credit hour (range $438-$879 per hour).
At this level, you could help offset lost wages for an adult student who has reduced their work hours to follow their dreams.