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Veterans Resource Station Moonbeam Fund

Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
20 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 11, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Thank you! Our match has been met!

October 30, 2023

You helped us raise $1,000 to support the Moonbeam Fund, and we received our $1,000 matching gift – THANK YOU!

We still have 12 days left in our project and just need to raise $348 to reach our goal…we can do it! By reaching our goal of $2,500, we can build the Moonbeam Fund and continue supplementing the cost of education for our students who visit the VRS.

Please share this project with one person today so we can continue to light the path for our veteran and military-connected students.

Choose a giving level


Building Blocks

Will combine with other donations to build the Moonbeam fund to appropriate levels to offer grants and scholarships


Graduation Fee

Could cover the $50 graduation fee for a student or provide a one-time supplemental book grant for a student.



Could fund one textbook for a student.


Extra Course Costs

Could help our Active Duty service members, non-KY National Guard members and Reservists pay the remaining costs of courses not covered by the Federal Tuition Assistance (T/A). This could also support the service members who do not qualify for 100% of the GI bill to offset extra fees and costs of materials.


Materials for a Semester

Could cover a semester of books for one student and help with unexpected expenses.


Materials for Two Students

Could provide a semester's worth of books and materials for two students. This can also help supplement education costs not covered by Federal Tuition Assistance.

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