If you would like to support the BAC Endowment Scholarship, please visit our new donation page: https://supportnku.nku.edu/givetobac.
Your donation of $25 could cover costs of school supplies which may include paper, folders, pencils, flash drives, etc.
Your donation of $50 could cover the graduation fee for a graduating student.
Your donation of $256 could pay for a parking pass for a student for the full academic year.
Your donation of $330 could purchase a Retail 20 Meal Plan for a student. This particular plan provides 20 meal swipes plus $200 Flex.
Your donation of $500 could cover one credit hour for a student. **All donations of $500 or more will qualify for the 2022 BAC NKU Homecoming package which will include swag and entry into all of the BAC 2022 Homecoming events.**
Your gift of $1000 could cover two credit hours for a student. **All donations of $500 or more will qualify for the 2022 BAC NKU Homecoming package which will include swag and entry into all of the BAC 2022 Homecoming events.**