Thank you for your interest in supporting the Haile Planetarium. This project is now closed. If you would like to make a gift to the Haile Planetarium, please visit:
Can you help us reach for the stars?
Since 2007, the Haile Planetarium has inspired appreciation and awareness of the universe for over 65,000 NKU students and community members through public shows.
To continue to bring STEM education to Northern Kentucky, we are asking for your support as we take the next step to make our planetarium bigger and better. Our need is great, but we are starting small with a goal to raise $3,000 through community support. Your donation can help us begin our upgrading process with new projectors, computers, and the latest version of software.
We need you!
Although Haile Planetarium’s yearly attendance has had record highs over the past two years, we are due for some significant technology upgrades that will impact our ability to stay open to the public. We want to make sure Haile Planetarium stays a free resource to everyone in the community and offer shows for years to come. Will you help us spark more scientific careers and continue creating memorable experiences under the stars?
Thank you!
Thank you in advance for your generous support. To learn more about the Haile Planetarium and view our upcoming shows, please visit: